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First Meeting in 2020

I hope everyone had a great holidays. First Meeting of 2020 tomorrow! Don’t forget that Parents are encouraged to stand at the side during closing circle!

12/10/19 Meeting Recap

In Today’s Meeting on 12/10 we played many games like tug a war. There is a Christmas party next Tuesday don’t forget your can good or non perishables. Stan Benda did his Eagle Scout Presentation.

12/3/19 Meeting Recap

Today in the 12/3’s meeting we prepared for the feast of the forest for this weekend.  The people who weren’t going on the camp out were working on lashing.  Also all Quartermasters were checking tents. Make sure to get your wealths.

Ski Weekend: Feb 8-10, 2019

Remember to dress appropriate for the cold weather on the slopes.  Dress in layers, wear comfortable clothes that allow for movement, with an outer waterproof layer to keep you dry.

Greenbar Meeting Minutes – 3/14/18


March 20th

  • “How to Pack Your Bag” w/ Michael Eardley (This presentation is for younger Scouts)
  • General Scout Skills review w/ Joe Lambiase (For older Scouts)
  • Camping trip Prep w/ Brendan Heaney

March 27th

  • Swim Night

April 3rd

  • Merit Badge and Blue card tutorial (scouts will learn how to fill out blue cards, where to find merit badge requirements, how to work with a counselor, etc.)
  • Group Merit Badge work (badge TBD)

April 10th

  • Camping trip Prep (SPL TBD)
  • Activities TBD


Other things discussed at the meeting:

  • Camping trips will be planned by the trip’s SPL in the days before the final prep meeting (We will no longer be doing EVERYTHING the week before the trip).
  • Gear leaving St. Thomas for camping trips, hikes, or any other activities, WILL BE SIGNED OUT, as well as THOROUGHLY INSPECTED. Upon reentry into St. Thomas, the gear will be SIGNED BACK IN, as well as RE-INSPECTED.
  • Merit badges will become more of a troop activity- completion of badges will be done as in (a) group(s) at meetings.

Merit Badge Pamphlets

If you’re thinking of working on a Merit Badge, but aren’t quite sure where to start, you may want to check out Troop 22’s on-line Merit Badge Pamphlet archive.

Merit Badge Pamphlets Archive

Please be advised that the BSA is constantly updating Merit Badge requirements, so some of these pamphlets might not have the most current information.  Follow the link below to be sure you are using the up-to-date requirements as found on  You can use these pamphlets for reference, even if the requirements have been changed.

BSA Merit Badge Requirements

And finally, you may want to go over to and download the merit badge worksheet – just remember filling out the worksheet doesn’t mean you have completed the merit badge requirements.  The worksheets are a great tool to keep track of what work you completed for each requirement and as handy notes to be used when discussing what you have done with your Merit Badge Counselor.  Requirements that say things like “Show” or “Demonstrate” will need to be completed with your counselor.

Merit Badge Worksheets

Cheap Camping Gear!

If anyone is looking to save a few bucks on camping gear, you may want to check out some of the below deals that are currently available on Craigslist.

I’ve purchased a lot of gear off of Craiglist in the last couple of years…the trick is to do your homework and know what the items are worth new and make sure you’re getting a good deal based on the condition the item is in.

Another tip I found to be useful – tell them you’re buying it for an active Boy Scout…a lot of these sellers are former Boy Scouts and will usually give you a better deal if they know the item will get some good use.



Troop & Patrol Meeting Planners

If you look in the Troop Forms page of this website you will notice 2 new documents that have been uploaded for our Scouts to use when planning Troop and Patrol Meetings.

The Troop Meeting Plan and Patrol Meeting Agenda are very useful forms that will help the SPL, ASPLs, PLs plan more productive, efficient, meaningful and enjoyable meetings.

Going forward, all PLs should have a Patrol Meeting Agenda completed and in-hand at every Troop Meeting.  If you have any questions or concerns as to how to use these agendas, please see either the SPL or one of the ASPLs.

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3/14 Court of Honor Postponed

Due to an impending snow storm, the Court of Honor scheduled for Tuesday, March 14th has been postponed until Tuesday, March 28th.

All Scouts are reminded that will remain responsible for whatever items they had originally committed to bringing.

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© 2025 Troop 22 Bloomfield, NJ - Boy Scouts of America