As Mr. Somers has said, your Scoutbook is full of lots of Scouting information. If you are not yet First Class, take the time to read your handbook, learn and practice new scout skills. Teach your parents so you can improve your own knowledge and skills. When ready, reach out to a leader to (always have 2 adults on the email or phone call) and set up a time to discuss the requirement or meet up on Zoom (again with your parent present) to show the leader that you have mastered another new scout skill, or discuss the details of that particular requirement.
If you were already working on a merit badge, by all means please continue doing what you can do at home and stay in conversation with your counselor to get those requirements signed off. If you are interested in starting work on a new merit badge, follow the procedures as listed on the forms page of this website as well as in the recent emails on the subject. During this time of “Physical Distancing” please remember to send an email addressed to both Mr. Somers & Mrs. Vreeland indicating which merit badge you would like to start. They will discuss this with you and help you find a counselor if you do not already have one in mind.
Below is a link to download a list of good merit badges that can be done at home, as well as some others that can mostly be completed at home with those requirements notated which need to be finished at a later time. Remember to always follow the merit badge procedures; contact Mr. Somers & Mrs. Vreeland first, then contact the counselor, then you begin working on the merit badge.
Merit badges you can do at home
3/3/2020’s Meeting wasn’t full of events or activities. The People going on the trip worked on first aid with Steven Antonsson and Connor Scrivener. The Grub master and Quartermasters had to pack for the campout. This meeting to sum it up was all about the shooting campout this weekend. Our next event is the 15 mile hike at the DNR canal. Please turn in your permission slips in on time.
In 2/25/2020’s Meeting we did knots and lashings. We did the clove hitch, square lashing and the shear lashing. Congrats to Luca for getting his flamingo patrol patch, assistant scoutmaster patch, and his Eagle knot patch to wear on his adult uniform Congrats.
Today’s youth are spending more time than ever using digital media for education, research, socializing, and fun. To help families and volunteers keep youth safe while online, the Boy Scouts of America created the Cyber Chip Award. To develop this important tool for internet safety, the BSA teamed up with content expert NetSmartz®, part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children® and training expert for many law enforcement agencies.
Cyber Chip is REQUIRED for the ranks of Scout & Star, and for some merit badges. It is recommended that every Scout maintain a current Cyber Chip card every year.
Cyber Chip is AGE / GRADE SPECIFIC and is valid for one year from date of earning it. You must earn the Cyber Chip for each grade level, then in subsequent years of the same grade level, you may ‘recharge’ your card for another year.
Cyber Chip for Grades 6-8
- Req 1 – Will be completed during meeting with Mr. Japhet or Mr. Mandio. Read and sign the Level II Internet Safety Pledge on the BSA Cyber Chip Card.
- Req 2 – Write and sign a personalized contract with your parent or guardian that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use. Complete with your parents, here is a sample contract that can be edited.
- Req 3 – Watch the video “Friend or Fake
,” along with two additional videos of your choosing from the list below, to see how friends can help each other to stay safe online.
- Post to be private

- Split Decisions

- Two Kinds of Stupid

- Req 4 – As an individual or with your patrol, use the EDGE method and to teach Internet safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette” to your troop or another patrol. You may use one of the mini activities, (download or via link on netsmartz page), and are encouraged to use any additional material and information you have researched. Each member of the patrol must have a role and present part of the lesson. Schedule this with your PL or the SPL and it may be done as a group if 2 or 3 Scouts want to work together, so long as everyone participates in the teaching. Please have an ASM attend your teaching session, they can assist you if needed with your teaching and using the E.D.G.E. method.
- Req 5 – Discuss with your unit leader the acceptable standards and practices for using allowed electronic devices, such as phones and games, at your meetings and other Scouting events.
- Once you have completed requirements 2-4, meet with Mr. Japhet or Mr. Mandio to review them and complete requirements 1 & 5. Both you and the Leader will sign your Cyberchip Card, which will then be presented back to you at closing circle.
Cyber Chip for Grades 9-12
- Req 1 – Will be completed during meeting with Mr. Japhet or Mr. Mandio. Read and sign the Level II Internet Safety Pledge on the BSA Cyber Chip Card.
- Req 2 -Write and sign a personalized contract with your parent or guardian that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use. Complete with your parents, here is a sample contract that can be edited.
- Req 3 – Discuss with your parents the benefits and potential dangers teenagers might experience when using social media. Be ready to summarize conversation for Mr. Japhet or Mr. Mandio, give examples of each, (benefits and dangers).
- Req 4 – Watch three of the following Real-Life Story” videos to learn the impact on teens.
- Friend or Fake

- Post to be private

- Split Decisions

- Two Kinds of Stupid

- Req 5 – As an individual or patrol, use the EDGE method and the Student Project Kit
to teach Internet safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette” to your troop or another patrol. You are encouraged to use any additional material and information you have researched. Each member of the patrol must have a role and present part of the lesson. Schedule this with your PL or the SPL and it may be done as a group if 2 or 3 Scouts want to work together, so long as everyone participates in the teaching. Please have an ASM attend your teaching session, they can assist you if needed with your teaching and using the E.D.G.E. method.
- Req 6 – Discuss with your unit leader the acceptable standards and practices for using allowed electronic devices such as phones and games at your meetings and other Scouting events.
- Once you have completed requirements 2-5, meet with Mr. Japhet or Mr. Mandio to review them and complete requirements 1 & 6. Both you and the Leader will sign your Cyberchip Card, which will then be presented back to you at closing circle.
‘Recharging’ your Cyber Chip
- Follow this link to Netsmartz to recharge your Cyber Chip card.
- Click on the ‘Video’ menu (top of the page)
- Click on the ‘Middle & High School’ menu (bottom of the page) to get you to the correct videos.
- Watch two (2) videos that you have not already watched.
- Bring your current/expired Cyber Chip card and meet with Mr. Japhet or Mr. Mandio to review internet safety, the videos you watched, and troop electronics policy. After which they will sign and put new recharge date on your card.
New Scouts, still in 5th Grade
A transitioning Webelos Scout who holds an unexpired Cyber Chip card for his current school grade has fulfilled this portion of the Scout rank requirement as part of the Webelos “Scouting Adventure.”
- If his Cyber Chip card is currently valid, he should meet with Mr. Japhet or Mr. Mandio to simply demonstrate his knowledge. This is not a retest. If, however, the Scout has not grasped these concepts, they may be reviewed (based on Cyber Chip requirements for 5th grade) to ensure understanding.
- If a new Scout’s Cyber Chip card for his current grade has expired, he simply needs to “recharge” the chip by following the instructions above for ‘Recharging’ but click on the ‘Elementary’ menu for the proper videos.
In 2/18/2020’s meeting we worked with rope and tied different knots at each station. Some of the knots were the Clove hitch or The X-men knot and also the square knot. Sports Marathon this weekend. NoBe Shooting sports campout permission slips due with grub money next Tuesday. No late permission slips accepted.
Today’s Meeting We had The OA Elections. Congrats to the people were elected. We also played a memory game and a chair team building game.
1/28/2020’s Meeting all scouts had uniform inspection. Ms.Antonsson had a bike class in the back to show scouts ABC check. The gear and equipment for the ice fishing campout was also packed up and ready to go for Friday.
1/21/2020’s meeting the scouts that are attending the ice fishing were discussing the patrols and duties for the weekend. We will not be accepting any more permission slips for this event. Star,Eagle,and Life scouts were on the stage and the rest of the scouts were being taught how to treat hyperthermia and also hypothermia.
Tonights Meeting all the quartermasters plus two extra people were sorting the bear boxes. We had the AOL from Belleville pack 350 visit and toured the troop. We played team building game and ice rescue activity to prepare for the campout. Be sure to remember grub money for the Ice fishing Campout if you are going.
During the meeting we had 3 different groups showing different stuff. Young Scouts worked with Chris on how to fill out ‘Blue Cards,’ Luca had a presentation on the path to Eagle Scout, and the older Scouts began planning some high adventure activities to restart the Venture Patrol. Quartermasters also labeled the tents and reorganized the troop room. Then we played a group activity game.