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Looking for something to do?

As Mr. Somers has said, your Scoutbook is full of lots of Scouting information. If you are not yet First Class, take the time to read your handbook, learn and practice new scout skills. Teach your parents so you can improve your own knowledge and skills. When ready, reach out to a leader to (always have 2 adults on the email or phone call) and set up a time to discuss the requirement or meet up on Zoom (again with your parent present) to show the leader that you have mastered another new scout skill, or discuss the details of that particular requirement.

If you were already working on a merit badge, by all means please continue doing what you can do at home and stay in conversation with your counselor to get those requirements signed off. If you are interested in starting work on a new merit badge, follow the procedures as listed on the forms page of this website as well as in the recent emails on the subject. During this time of “Physical Distancing” please remember to send an email addressed to both Mr. Somers & Mrs. Vreeland indicating which merit badge you would like to start. They will discuss this with you and help you find a counselor if you do not already have one in mind.

Below is a link to download a list of good merit badges that can be done at home, as well as some others that can mostly be completed at home with those requirements notated which need to be finished at a later time. Remember to always follow the merit badge procedures; contact Mr. Somers & Mrs. Vreeland first, then contact the counselor, then you begin working on the merit badge.

Merit badges you can do at home

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© 2025 Troop 22 Bloomfield, NJ - Boy Scouts of America